Source: vis/visualization/


visualize_activation_with_losses(input_tensor, losses, wrt_tensor=None, seed_input=None, \
    input_range=(0, 255), **optimizer_params)

Generates the input_tensor that minimizes the weighted losses. This function is intended for advanced use cases where a custom loss is desired.


  • input_tensor: An input tensor of shape: (samples, channels, image_dims...) if image_data_format= channels_first or (samples, image_dims..., channels) if image_data_format=channels_last.
  • wrt_tensor: Short for, with respect to. The gradients of losses are computed with respect to this tensor. When None, this is assumed to be the same as input_tensor (Default value: None)
  • losses: List of (Loss, weight) tuples.
  • seed_input: Seeds the optimization with a starting image. Initialized with a random value when set to None. (Default value = None)
  • input_range: Specifies the input range as a (min, max) tuple. This is used to rescale the final optimized input to the given range. (Default value=(0, 255))
  • optimizer_params: The **kwargs for optimizer params. Will default to reasonable values when required keys are not found.


The model input that minimizes the weighted losses.



Determines the number of filters within the given layer.


  • layer: The keras layer to use.


Total number of filters within layer. For keras.layers.Dense layer, this is the total number of outputs.


overlay(array1, array2, alpha=0.5)

Overlays array1 onto array2 with alpha blending.


  • array1: The first numpy array.
  • array2: The second numpy array.
  • alpha: The alpha value of array1 as overlayed onto array2. This value needs to be between [0, 1], with 0 being array2 only to 1 being array1 only (Default value = 0.5).


The array1, overlayed with array2 using alpha blending.


visualize_saliency_with_losses(input_tensor, losses, seed_input, wrt_tensor=None, \
    grad_modifier="absolute", keepdims=False)

Generates an attention heatmap over the seed_input by using positive gradients of input_tensor with respect to weighted losses.

This function is intended for advanced use cases where a custom loss is desired. For common use cases, refer to visualize_class_saliency or visualize_regression_saliency.

For a full description of saliency, see the paper: [Deep Inside Convolutional Networks: Visualising Image Classification Models and Saliency Maps] (


  • input_tensor: An input tensor of shape: (samples, channels, image_dims...) if image_data_format= channels_first or (samples, image_dims..., channels) if image_data_format=channels_last.
  • losses: List of (Loss, weight) tuples.
  • seed_input: The model input for which activation map needs to be visualized.
  • wrt_tensor: Short for, with respect to. The gradients of losses are computed with respect to this tensor. When None, this is assumed to be the same as input_tensor (Default value: None)
  • grad_modifier: gradient modifier to use. See grad_modifiers. By default absolute value of gradients are used. To visualize positive or negative gradients, use relu and negate respectively. (Default value = 'absolute')
  • keepdims: A boolean, whether to keep the dimensions or not. If keepdims is False, the channels axis is deleted. If keepdims is True, the grad with same shape as input_tensor is returned. (Default value: False)


The normalized gradients of seed_input with respect to weighted losses.


visualize_activation(model, layer_idx, filter_indices=None, wrt_tensor=None, seed_input=None, \
    input_range=(0, 255), backprop_modifier=None, grad_modifier=None, act_max_weight=1, \
    lp_norm_weight=10, tv_weight=10, **optimizer_params)

Generates the model input that maximizes the output of all filter_indices in the given layer_idx.


  • model: The keras.models.Model instance. The model input shape must be: (samples, channels, image_dims...) if image_data_format=channels_first or (samples, image_dims..., channels) if image_data_format=channels_last.
  • layer_idx: The layer index within model.layers whose filters needs to be visualized.
  • filter_indices: filter indices within the layer to be maximized. If None, all filters are visualized. (Default value = None) For keras.layers.Dense layer, filter_idx is interpreted as the output index. If you are visualizing final keras.layers.Dense layer, consider switching 'softmax' activation for 'linear' using utils.apply_modifications for better results.
  • wrt_tensor: Short for, with respect to. The gradients of losses are computed with respect to this tensor. When None, this is assumed to be the same as input_tensor (Default value: None)
  • seed_input: Seeds the optimization with a starting input. Initialized with a random value when set to None. (Default value = None)
  • input_range: Specifies the input range as a (min, max) tuple. This is used to rescale the final optimized input to the given range. (Default value=(0, 255))
  • backprop_modifier: backprop modifier to use. See backprop_modifiers. If you don't specify anything, no backprop modification is applied. (Default value = None)
  • grad_modifier: gradient modifier to use. See grad_modifiers. If you don't specify anything, gradients are unchanged (Default value = None)
  • act_max_weight: The weight param for ActivationMaximization loss. Not used if 0 or None. (Default value = 1)
  • lp_norm_weight: The weight param for LPNorm regularization loss. Not used if 0 or None. (Default value = 10)
  • tv_weight: The weight param for TotalVariation regularization loss. Not used if 0 or None. (Default value = 10)
  • optimizer_params: The **kwargs for optimizer params. Will default to reasonable values when required keys are not found.


If you wanted to visualize the input image that would maximize the output index 22, say on final keras.layers.Dense layer, then, filter_indices = [22], layer_idx = dense_layer_idx.

If filter_indices = [22, 23], then it should generate an input image that shows features of both classes.


The model input that maximizes the output of filter_indices in the given layer_idx.


visualize_saliency(model, layer_idx, filter_indices, seed_input, wrt_tensor=None, \
    backprop_modifier=None, grad_modifier="absolute", keepdims=False)

Generates an attention heatmap over the seed_input for maximizing filter_indices output in the given layer_idx.


  • model: The keras.models.Model instance. The model input shape must be: (samples, channels, image_dims...) if image_data_format=channels_first or (samples, image_dims..., channels) if image_data_format=channels_last.
  • layer_idx: The layer index within model.layers whose filters needs to be visualized.
  • filter_indices: filter indices within the layer to be maximized. If None, all filters are visualized. (Default value = None) For keras.layers.Dense layer, filter_idx is interpreted as the output index. If you are visualizing final keras.layers.Dense layer, consider switching 'softmax' activation for 'linear' using utils.apply_modifications for better results.
  • seed_input: The model input for which activation map needs to be visualized.
  • wrt_tensor: Short for, with respect to. The gradients of losses are computed with respect to this tensor. When None, this is assumed to be the same as input_tensor (Default value: None)
  • backprop_modifier: backprop modifier to use. See backprop_modifiers. If you don't specify anything, no backprop modification is applied. (Default value = None)
  • grad_modifier: gradient modifier to use. See grad_modifiers. By default absolute value of gradients are used. To visualize positive or negative gradients, use relu and negate respectively. (Default value = 'absolute')
  • keepdims: A boolean, whether to keep the dimensions or not. If keepdims is False, the channels axis is deleted. If keepdims is True, the grad with same shape as input_tensor is returned. (Default value: False)


If you wanted to visualize attention over 'bird' category, say output index 22 on the final keras.layers.Dense layer, then, filter_indices = [22], layer = dense_layer.

One could also set filter indices to more than one value. For example, filter_indices = [22, 23] should (hopefully) show attention map that corresponds to both 22, 23 output categories.


The heatmap image indicating the seed_input regions whose change would most contribute towards maximizing the output of filter_indices.


visualize_cam_with_losses(input_tensor, losses, seed_input, penultimate_layer, grad_modifier=None)

Generates a gradient based class activation map (CAM) by using positive gradients of input_tensor with respect to weighted losses.

For details on grad-CAM, see the paper: [Grad-CAM: Why did you say that? Visual Explanations from Deep Networks via Gradient-based Localization] (

Unlike class activation mapping, which requires minor changes to network architecture in some instances, grad-CAM has a more general applicability.

Compared to saliency maps, grad-CAM is class discriminative; i.e., the 'cat' explanation exclusively highlights cat regions and not the 'dog' region and vice-versa.


  • input_tensor: An input tensor of shape: (samples, channels, image_dims...) if image_data_format= channels_first or (samples, image_dims..., channels) if image_data_format=channels_last.
  • losses: List of (Loss, weight) tuples.
  • seed_input: The model input for which activation map needs to be visualized.
  • penultimate_layer: The pre-layer to layer_idx whose feature maps should be used to compute gradients with respect to filter output.
  • grad_modifier: gradient modifier to use. See grad_modifiers. If you don't specify anything, gradients are unchanged (Default value = None)


The normalized gradients of seed_input with respect to weighted losses.


visualize_cam(model, layer_idx, filter_indices, seed_input, penultimate_layer_idx=None, \
    backprop_modifier=None, grad_modifier=None)

Generates a gradient based class activation map (grad-CAM) that maximizes the outputs of filter_indices in layer_idx.


  • model: The keras.models.Model instance. The model input shape must be: (samples, channels, image_dims...) if image_data_format=channels_first or (samples, image_dims..., channels) if image_data_format=channels_last.
  • layer_idx: The layer index within model.layers whose filters needs to be visualized.
  • filter_indices: filter indices within the layer to be maximized. If None, all filters are visualized. (Default value = None) For keras.layers.Dense layer, filter_idx is interpreted as the output index. If you are visualizing final keras.layers.Dense layer, consider switching 'softmax' activation for 'linear' using utils.apply_modifications for better results.
  • seed_input: The input image for which activation map needs to be visualized.
  • penultimate_layer_idx: The pre-layer to layer_idx whose feature maps should be used to compute gradients wrt filter output. If not provided, it is set to the nearest penultimate Conv or Pooling layer.
  • backprop_modifier: backprop modifier to use. See backprop_modifiers. If you don't specify anything, no backprop modification is applied. (Default value = None)
  • grad_modifier: gradient modifier to use. See grad_modifiers. If you don't specify anything, gradients are unchanged (Default value = None)


If you wanted to visualize attention over 'bird' category, say output index 22 on the final keras.layers.Dense layer, then, filter_indices = [22], layer = dense_layer.

One could also set filter indices to more than one value. For example, filter_indices = [22, 23] should (hopefully) show attention map that corresponds to both 22, 23 output categories.


The heatmap image indicating the input regions whose change would most contribute towards maximizing the output of filter_indices.