What is a Class Activation Map?
Class activation maps or grad-CAM is another way of visualizing attention over input. Instead of using gradients with
respect to output (see saliency), grad-CAM uses penultimate (pre Dense
layer) Conv
layer output. The
intuition is to use the nearest Conv
layer to utilize spatial information that gets completely lost in Dense
In keras-vis, we use grad-CAM as its considered more general than Class Activation maps.
There are two APIs exposed to visualize grad-CAM and are almost identical to saliency usage.
- visualize_cam: This is the general purpose API for visualizing grad-CAM.
- visualize_cam_with_losses: This is intended for research use-cases where some custom weighted loss can be used.
The only notable addition is the penultimate_layer_idx
parameter. This can be used to specify the pre-layer
whose output gradients are used. By default, keras-vis will search for the nearest layer with filters.
See saliency scenarios. Everything is identical expect the added penultimate_layer_idx
grad-CAM only works well if the penultimate layer is close to the layer being visualized. This also applies to Conv
filter visualizations. You are better off using saliency of this is not the case with your model.